姓名:马力 |
单位:山西农业大学植物保护学院 |
地址:山西省晋中市太谷区铭贤南路1号 |
邮箱:mali890310@126.com |
主讲《植保生物技术》、《普通昆虫学》和《昆虫显微与分子免疫》等课程;主持或参研多项国家级和省级科研项目;目前已以主要作者发表20余篇原创性学术论文,其中以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)在顶级期刊PLoS Pathogens等国际主流期刊上发表学术论文10余篇;多次受邀参加在重要昆虫学会议上作学术报告;担任Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology和Journal of Integrative Agriculture等多个期刊审稿人;担任《植物医学》期刊青年编委。
1.山西农业大学“杰青优青培育工程”:NO介导豌豆蚜JNK通路与吞噬作用和Toll通路的通讯机制(No. 2023YQPYGC05, 2023.7-2027.7,在研),主持;
2.国家自然基金青年项目: JNK通路调控豌豆蚜一氧化氮合成抵御细菌感染的分子机制研究(No. 32200391, 2023.1-2025.12,在研),主持;
3.山西省基础研究计划-青年科学研究项目: JNK信号通路调控豌豆蚜一氧化氮合成的分子机制研究(No. 202103021223125, 2022.1-2024.12,在研),主持;
4.农业部西北黄土高原作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室开放基金:家蚕SVWC蛋白免疫功能的研究(No. KFJJ20200103, 2020.7-2022.7,已结题),主持;
5.山西农业大学科技创新基金项目:Serpin-13对家蚕免疫系统调控作用研究(No. 2020BQ71, 2020-2023,在研),主持;
6.国家自然基金面上项目:活性氧在豌豆蚜免疫系统中的作用机理研究(No. 3177120264, 2018.1-2021.12,已结题),参研(主要完成人);
7.国家自然基金面上项目: miRNA-184a/b通过JNK通路调控豌豆蚜免疫防御反应的研究(No.31970467, 2020.1-2023.12,已结题),参研(主要完成人)
8.教育部高校基本科研业务专项资金项目科技创新专项:两个丝氨酸蛋白酶在豌豆蚜免疫反应中的功能研究(No. 2452015131, 2015.1-2015.12,已结题),参研(主要完成人);
9.教育部高校基本科研业务费重点项目:绿脓杆菌分泌的弹性蛋白酶B对家蚕免疫系统的调控(No. Z109021621, 2016.1-2017.12,已结题),参研(主要完成人);
10. 2022年山西省大学生创新创业项目:豌豆蚜Jun蛋白的原核表达与抗体制备(已结题,指导教师)
1.Ma Li, Liu Lu, Zhao Yujie, Yang Lei, Li Zhaofei, Lu Zhiqiang*.JNK pathway plays a key role in the immune system of the pea aphid and is regulated by microRNA-184.PLoS Pathogens, 2020, 16(6): e1008627.(IF=6.823, JCR:Q1,中科院分区:医学大类1区Top期刊,西北农林科技大学双一流期刊,已被引55次)
2.Li Ma#, Han Wang#, Yaya Liu, Jing Sun, Xizhong Yan, Zhiqiang Lu,, Chi Hao*, Xingtao Qie*. Single von Willebrand factor C-domain protein-2 confers immune defense against bacterial infections in the silkworm,Bombyx mori.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 279: 135241. (IF=7.7, JCR: Q1,中科院分区: 1区Top期刊)
3.Ma Li#, Chen Feng#, Wang Wen, Xu Lu, Lu Zhiqiang*. Identification of two clip-domain serine proteases involved in the pea aphid’s defense against bacterial and fungal infection.Insect Science, 2020, 27(4): 735-744.(IF=3.262, JCR:Q1,中科院分区:农林科学大类1区Top期刊,已被引11次)
4.Ma Li, Zhou Lizhen, Lin Jinshui, Ji Jiuyuan, Wang Yang, Jiang Haobo, Shen Xihui, Lu Zhiqiang*. Manipulation of the silkworm immune system by a metalloprotease from the pathogenic bacteriumPseudomonas aeruginosa.Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2019, 90:176-185. (IF=3.192, JCR:Q1,中科院分区:生物学大类2区Top期刊,已被引16次)
5.Ma Li#, Liu Shanlin#, Lu Ping, Yan Xizhong, Hao Chi, Wei Jiufeng, Qie Xingtao*, Lu Zhiqiang*. The IMD pathway in Hemipteran: A comparative analysis and discussion.Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 2022, 136: 104513.(IF=3.605, JCR: Q1,中科院分区:生物学大类2区,已被引13次)
6.Ma Li, Yan Xizhong, Zhou Lin, Wang Wentao, Chen Kangkang, Hao Chi, Lu Zhiqiang*, Qie Xingtao*. Nitric oxide synthase is required for the pea aphid’s defence against bacterial infection.Insect Molecular Biology, 2023, 32(2): 187-199.(IF=3.434, JCR: Q1,中科院分区:农林科学大类2区,已被引4次)
7.Ma Li, Liu Lu, Lu Zhiqiang. Pea Aphid Rearing, Bacterial Infection and Hemocyte Phagocytosis Assay.Bio-protocol,2020, 10(24): e3862. (ESCI,被约稿邀请,已被引4次)
8. Yan Xizhong#,Ma Li#, Li Xiaofei, Chang Le, Liu Qingzhao, Song Chengfei, Zhao Jinyu, Qie Xingtao, Deng Caiping, Wang Chenzhu*, Hao Chi*. Identification and evaluation of cruciferous plant volatiles attractive toPlutella xylostellaL. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).Pest Management Science, 2023, 79(12): 5270-5282. (IF=4.1, JCR: Q1,中科院分区:农林科学大类1区Top期刊,已被引7次)
9. Qie Xingtao#, Yan Xizhong#, Wang Wentao, Liu Yaya, Zhang Lijun, Hao Chi, Lu Zhiqiang*,Ma Li*. Serpin-4 negatively regulates prophenoloxidase activation and antimicrobial peptide synthesis in the silkworm,Bombyx mori.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024, 25: 313. (IF=5.6, JCR: Q1,中科院分区:生物学大类2区期刊,已被引5次).
10. Qie Xingtao#, Yan Xizhong#, Wang Han, Li Fangyuan, Hu Liming, Hao Chi*,Ma Li*. Identification, expression profiles, and binding properties of chemosensory protein 18 inPlutella xylostella(Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).Journal of Insect Science, 2024, 24(1): 3; 1-10. (IF=2.2,JCR:Q1,中科院分区:农林科学大类3区)
11. Li Xiaofei#, Qie Xingtao#, Mo Baotong, Wang Caifeng, Xing Zenghua, Zhao Jinyu, Wang Chenzhu, Hao Chi,Ma Li*, Yan Xizhong*. Functional types of long trichoid sensilla responding to sex pheromone components inPlutella xylostella.Insect Science, 2024, 31: 1503-1518.(IF=2.9, JCR:Q1,中科院分区:农林科学大类1区Top期刊,已被引1次)
12. Zhou Lizhen#, Meng Guanliang#, Zhu Ling,Ma Li*, Chen Kangkang*. Insect Antimicrobial Peptides as Guardians of Immunity and Beyond: A review.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024, 25: 3835. (IF=5.6, JCR: Q1,中科院分区:生物学大类2区期刊,已被引10次)
13. Xing Zenghua, Liu Yaya, Sun Jing, Gan Yulin, Liu Erkang, Yan Xizhong, Hao Chi,Ma Li*, Qie Xingtao*. In-depth physiological study on the sustainable application of a botanical insecticide with low mammalian toxicity againstAedes aegypti(Diptera: Culicidae).Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2025, 208: 106270. (IF=4.2,JCR:Q1,中科院分区:农林科学大类1区Top期刊)
14. Li Junlan,Ma Li, Lin Zhe, Zou Zhen*, Lu Zhiqiang*. Serpin-5 regulates prophenoloxidase activation and antimicrobial peptide pathways in the silkworm,Bomby xmori.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2016, 73:27-37. (IF=3.756,JCR:Q1,中科院分区:农林科学大类1区Top,昆虫学领域顶级期刊,已被引52次)
15. Xu Lu,Ma Li, Wang Wen, Li Lian, Lu Zhiqiang*. Phenoloxidases are required for the pea aphid’s defence against bacterial and fungal infection.Insect Molecular Biology, 2019, 28(2):176-186. (IF=3.434,JCR:Q1,中科院分区:农林科学大类2区,已被引31次)
16. Song Chengfei,Ma Li, Zhao Jinyu, Xue Zengsheng, Yan Xizhong*, Hao Chi*. Electrophysiological and Behavioral Responses ofPlutella xylostella(Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) to Volatiles from a Non-host Plant, Geranium,Pelargonium×hortorum(Geraniaceae).Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70(20): 5982-5992. (IF=5.895,JCR:Q1,中科院分区:农林科学大类1区,已被引21次)
17.薛增昇,闫喜中,赵劲宇,宋程飞,刘丹,王韩,郝赤*,马力*.菜粉蝶触角转录组及嗅觉相关基因分析.昆虫学报, 2023, 5: 642-652.
《有害蚜虫与植物互作关系》,科学出版社, 2025,参编,主要编写第十三节:蚜虫免疫系统及寄主植物对蚜虫抵御感染的影响。
1.基于豌豆蚜免疫系统研究以分析蚜虫抗病毒潜力(大会报告), 2024年全国昆虫病毒学学术研讨会,青岛, 2024-6-20至2024-6-23;
2. Single von Willebrand factor C-domain protein-2 confers immune defense against infections in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, 2024年中国昆虫学会第十四届青年学者研讨会,济南, 2024-7-19至2024-7-22;
3. 2023年国际昆虫学大会暨第5届国际昆虫基因组学大会第8届昆虫生理生化与分子生物学国际研讨会,报告题目:Serpin-4 negatively regulates prophenoloxidase activation and antimicrobial peptide synthesis in the silkworm,Bombyx mori(河北保定);
4. 2023年中国昆虫学会第十三届青年学者研讨会,报告题目:豌豆蚜免疫系统初探(贵州贵阳);
5. 2022年海峡两岸植物保护论坛暨第四届青年学术研讨会,特邀大会报告:JNK通路在豌豆蚜免疫系统中起关键作用并受miR-184调控(福建福州);
6.中国昆虫学会2021年学术年会,昆虫遗传与发育分会场特邀报告:JNK pathway plays a key role in the immune system of the pea aphid and is regulated by microRNA-184(陕西西安);
8.中国昆虫学会2018年学术年会,报告题目:Manipulation of the silkworm immune system by a metalloprotease from the pathogenic bacteriumPseudomonas aeruginosa(四川成都);
9.陕西昆虫学会2017年学术年会,报告题目:Manipulation of the silkworm immune system by a metalloprotease from the pathogenic bacteriumPseudomonas aeruginosa(获奖报告)(陕西杨凌)。