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发布时间:2023-02-16 浏览量:

姓 名:郄杏桃

学 科:植物保护

单 位:山西农业大学植物保护学院

地 址:山西省.晋中市.太谷县.铭贤南路1号

邮 编:030801

邮 箱:cheerymary@163.com





2014.09 - 2021.08 西北农林科技大学 农药学硕博连读 农学博士

2009.09 - 2013.06 山西农业大学 制药工程 工学学士


2025.01 - 至今 山西农业大学植物保护学院 副教授

2022.03 - 2024.12 山西农业大学植物保护学院 讲师









1. 表皮蛋白介导埃及伊蚊对双氧木脂素A穿透抗性的分子机制研究(在研),国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目(32300403),2024.01-2026.12,主持。

2. 基于埃及伊蚊表皮蛋白Cuticle Prtein19.8、Larval CuticleA2B和Cuticle Protein8的穿透抗性机制研究(在研),山西省基础研究计划-青年科学研究项目(202203021212469),2023.01-2025.12,主持。

3. 透骨草HA杀蚊的分子机理探究(在研),山西省博士毕业生、博士后研究人员来晋工作奖励经费科研项目(SXBYKY2022107),2022.09-2024.08,主持。

4. 埃及伊蚊HAR品系穿透抗性机制的研究(在研),山西农业大学博士人才引进科研启动项目(2022BQ25),2022.10-2025.10,主持。

5. 羧酸酯酶调控埃及伊蚊对双氧木脂素A地抗性机理研究(在研),农业农村部西北黄土高原作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室开放课题(KFJJ20230102),2023.07-2025.07,主持。

6. 山西农业大学“杰青优青培育工程”:植物源农药研发与害虫抗药性机制研究(No. 2024YQPYGC05, 2024.7-2028.7, 在研), 主持.

7. 基于kdr负交互抗性的植物源杀虫化合物haedoxan A作用位点的研究(结题),国家自然基金-面上项目(31672055),2017-2020,参研(第1)。


1.Xingtao Qie, Wenbo Lu, Ahmed A.A.Aioub, Yankai Li, Wenjun Wu, Zhaonong Hu*. Insight into the detoxification of Haedoxan A and the synergistic effects of Phrymarolin I againstMythimna separata.Industrial Crops and Products. 2020, 158: 112967.(IF=5.645,中科院1区,Top期刊)

2.Xingtao Qie, Anqi Sun, Huanhuan Hao, Bo Lv, Wenjun Wu, Zhaonong Hu*. A potential lignin botanical insecticide fromPhryma leptostachyaagainstAedes aegypti: laboratory selection, metabolic mechanism and resistance risk assessment.Journal of Pest Science. 2022, 95: 397-408.(IF=5.918,中科院1区,Top期刊)

3.Xingtao Qie, Yuzhe Du, Ahmed A.A.Aioub, Ke Dong, Zhaonong Hu*. Negative cross-resistance of a pyrethroid-resistantDrosophilamutant toPhryma leptostachya-derived haedoxan A.Insect Science. 2022, 29(3): 817-826.(IF=3.262,中科院1区,Top期刊)

4.Xingtao Qie, Yaxin Ren, Xueting Chen, Yuzhe Du, Ke Dong, Zhaonong Hu*. Role of DSC1 inDrosophila melanogastersynaptic activities in response to haedoxan A.Insect Science. 2023, 30(6):1677-1688. (IF=3.262,中科院1区,Top期刊)

5.Qie Xingtao#, Yan Xizhong#, Wang Han, Li Fangyuan, Hu Liming, Hao Chi*, Ma Li*. Identification, expression profiles, and binding properties of chemosensory protein 18 inPlutella xylostella(Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).Journal of Insect Science, 2024, 24(1): 3; 1-10. (IF=2.2,中科院大类3)

6.Qie Xingtao#, Yan Xizhong#, Wang Wentao, Liu Yaya, Zhang Lijun, Hao Chi, Lu Zhiqiang*, Ma Li*. Serpin-4 negatively regulates prophenoloxidase activation and antimicrobial peptide synthesis in the silkworm,Bombyx mori.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024, 25: 313. (IF=5.6,中科院生物学大类2区期刊).

7. Li Xiaofei#,Qie Xingtao#, Mo Baotong, Wang Caifeng, Xing Zenghua, Zhao Jinyu, Wang Chenzhu, Hao Chi, Ma Li*, Yan Xizhong*. Functional types of long trichoid sensilla responding to sex pheromone components inPlutella xylostella.Insect Science, 2024, 31: 1503-1518.(IF=2.9,中科院1Top期刊

8. Zenghua Xing, Yaya Liu, Jing Sun, Yulin Gan, Erkang Liu, Xizhong Yan, Chi Hao, Li Ma*,Xingtao Qie*. In-depth physiological study on the sustainable application of a botanical insecticide with low mammalian toxicity againstAedes aegypti(Diptera: Culicidae).Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2025, 208: 106270. (IF=4.2中科院1区,Top期刊)

9. Li Ma#, Han Wang#, Yaya Liu, Jing Sun, Xizhong Yan, Zhiqiang Lu, Chi Hao*,Xingtao Qie*. Single von Willebrand factor C-domain protein-2 confers immune defense against bacterial infections in the silkworm,Bombyx mori.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 279: 135241. (IF=7.7, JCR: Q1,中科院分区: 1Top期刊)

10. Ma Li, Liu Shanlin, Lu Ping, Yan Xizhong, Hao Chi, Wei Jiufeng,Qie Xingtao*, Lu Zhiqiang*. The IMD pathway in Hemipteran: A comparative analysis and discussion.Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 2022, 136: 104513.(通讯作者;IF=3.605,中科院2

11. Li Ma#, Han Wang#, Yaya Liu, Jing Sun, Xizhong Yan, Zhiqiang Lu, Chi Hao*,Xingtao Qie*. Single von Willebrand factor C-domain protein-2 confers immune defense against bacterial infections in the silkworm,Bombyx mori.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 279: 135241. (IF=7.7,中科院分区: 1Top期刊)

12. Ma Li, Yan Xizhong, Zhou Lin, Wang Wentao, Chen Kangkang, Hao Chi, Lu Zhiqiang*,Qie Xingtao*. Nitric oxide synthase is required for the pea aphid’s defence against bacterial infection.Insect Molecular Biology. 2023, DOI: 10.1111/imb.12823.(通讯作者;中科院2

13.Aioub AhmedAA, Li Yankai,Qie Xingtao, Zhang Xianxia and Hu Zhaonong*. Reduction of soil contamination by cypermethrin residues using phytoremediation withPlantagomajor and some surfactants.Environmental Sciences Europe.2019, 31: 267. (IF=5.893JCR Q2)

14. Yankai Li,Shaokang Wang,Ahmed A.A.Aioub,Xingtao Qie, Wenjun Wu,Zhaonong Hu*. Identification and analysis of full-length transcripts involved in the biosynthesis of insecticidal lignin (+)-haedoxan A inPhryma leptostachya.Industrial Crops and Products. 2019, 142:111868.(IF=5.645,中科院1区,Top期刊)

15. Aioub AhmedAA, Yayun Zuo, Yankai Li,Xingtao Qie, Xianxia Zhang, Nariman Essmat, WenjunWu and Zhaonong Hu *. Transcriptome analysis ofPlantagomajor as a phytore mediator to identify some genes related to cypermethrin detoxification.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2021, 28:5 101-5115.(IF=4.223JCR Q2)

16. Yan Xizhong#, Ma Li#, Li Xiaofei, Chang Le, Liu Qingzhao, Song Chengfei, Zhao Jinyu,Qie Xingtao, Deng Caiping, Wang Chenzhu*, Hao Chi*. Identification and evaluation of cruciferous plant volatiles attractive toPlutella xylostellaL. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).Pest Management Science, 2023, 79(12): 5270-5282. (IF=4.1,中科院1Top期刊)

17.Zhao JY, Zheng RR, Li XF, Lyu ZS, Ma L, Song CF,Qie XT, Yan XZ, & Hao C. Electrophysiological and behavioral responses ofPlodia interpunctella(Hübner) females to aldehydes volatiles from dried fruits.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71(45): 17253-17262. (IF=5.7,中科院1Top期刊)

18. Liu QZ (#), Zhao JY (#), Hu CY, Ma JG, Deng CP, Ma L,Qie XT, Yuan XY & Yan XZ. Predicting the current and future distribution ofMonolepta signata(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) based on the Maximum Entropy Model.Insects, 2024, 15: 575(中科院2Top期刊)

19.闫秀芳,郄杏桃,吴文君,胡兆农*.果蝇钠通道DmNav22在双氧木脂素A作用机理研究中的应用.西北农业学报. 2017, 26(4): 635-640.



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